Find your ideal short or long-term rental apartment

Use our quick search tool in the side bar. Fill in your dates and the number of people and click ‘search apartments’. The system will display all matching apartments available, along with the total price for each.

You can view the list in 3 different ways: map, list view or photos. On the right, you will find filters to organize your search by price, travel zone, location or size of apartment.

Click on the apartment you like for more information, including pictures, description, Google map & street view, floor plan, price, amenities included and more. The total price will also be displayed.

Quick, straightforward booking

We ask for an advance payment of 50% of the total price. This can be paid by bank transfer, card, or Paypal.

To complete your booking, simply fill in the form with your name, surname and email address, and select a payment method.

We accept the following payment options:

  • CARD: we accept Master Card, Visa or Amex.
  • PAYPAL: this will redirect you to the PayPal payment page.
  • BANK TRANSFER: if you select this method, you will be redirected inside our reserved area and you will find all details to proceed with your bank transfer.


Need to extend your stay? We’re always happy to do so!

We simply ask you to send us an email via our contact form or chat directly with us.

We will then check the availability of the property you are renting, and confirm whether it is possible to extend your stay.

If your current apartment is not available for part or all of your requested extended dates, then we will do our best to find a suitable alternative.